~ DARE to BE DIFFERENT... but always BE YOURSELF! ~

About this Blog

Honestly, I never imagined myself starting a blog.  But here I am... finally had the guts to do it!  I just hope to fill this space with random thoughts and opinions about things, places, people, and anything I find interesting and worthy of sharing.

I am a certified food addict (healthy, unhealthy and anything in between - but Japanese, Chinese & Italian are tops for me!) and I enjoy cooking.  I love reading books, especially espionage stories, suspense/thriller, fantasy and yes, love stories.  I like to draw; and as an aspiring photography hobbyist,  I take pictures mostly of nature & people.  I am an adventurous person, a dreamer, a lover, a fighter, a survivor, and will always be... a child at heart!

Now, you might be wondering - why "open & shut"?  It actually took me a while to decide on a title for this blog because I wanted it to be something akin to me.  I like to keep things simple... basic... grassroots.  So, I came up with "open and shut" which is synonymous to "uncomplicated."  A lot of things in life are pretty complicated.  Me?  I try to go back to the basics, try to "uncomplicate" complicated matters - whenever possible, that is.

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." 
~ Confucius

Hope you enjoy reading my posts.  Feel free to comment on any of my blog entries (constructive or otherwise... I can take it). 

Note:  I am an "ellipses" and "hyphen" addict so you'll find a lot of it in my posts.  I also like stressing or elaborating my point by way of phrases or sentences in parenthesis.  I hope you won't find them annoying. :-)


  1. I Just really love this website. It shows and shares to JKS fans the
    personal sides and happenings of our WORLD PRINCE.The English
    translation is just perfect.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I really appreciate it. I haven't actually updated for quite a time but I hope to get on it soon.


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